228 GRAY. miles on this side Terracina. 'tis I believe here as perfect as anywhere, not alone the midway for carriages remains, which is just of a breadth for 2 carriages to pass, but the raised causeway on each side for foot-passengers, the whole of a greyish coarse marble, the pieces of Irregular Shapes generally a foot or two, sometimes more in breadth, laid as they suit one another best, the side ways are raised better than a foot above the middle. Statius gives a good description of these immense labours in the 4th Book of his Sylvse, 3. Hie primus labor inclioare sulco1, Et rescindere limites, & alto Egestu penitus cavare terras: Mox haustas aliter replere fossas, Et summo gremium parare dorso, Ne nutent sola, ne maligna sedes, Et pressis dubium cubile saxis; Tune umbornbus hinc et hinc coactis, Et crebris iter allegare1 gomphis. 0 quantse pariter manus laborant! Hi csedunt nemus, exuuntq. montes; Hi ferro scopulos, trabesq. csedunt; IUi saxa ligant, opusq texunt Cocto pulvere, sordidoq topho: Hi siccant bibulas manu lacunas, Et longŁ fluvios agunt minores. There are frequent ruins on each hand of it, not only of Sepulchres, but the foundations of larger buildings, & arched vaults of brick disposed Particu- 1 Sic ap. Gray. s by reason of the waters, that